The Dangers Of Over Whitening Your Teeth

It seems like having whiter teeth is a popular desire today, and there are many ways people can achieve this. If you want to have whiter teeth, you can use at-home products or get professional services, but you should realize that there are dangers to over whitening your teeth. What are the dangers? If you go through professional tooth whitening services each year, this could be considered a normal part of good dental hygiene and care, but if you start whitening your teeth daily, weekly, or even monthly, you might develop problems. [Read More]

Oral Problems That Can Occur In Children With Down Syndrome

It's common for children with the genetic disorder Down syndrome to have dental issues that need special attention. Weakened immune systems, low muscle tone, teeth that come in late, bite problems, and an increased risk of periodontal disease are oral problems that dentists often see in patients with Down syndrome. That's why it helps to understand what dental problems may occur so that you can work with a dentist who will best meet your child's needs. [Read More]

Dos And Don'ts Of Recovering After Tooth Extraction

Whether you've just had a tooth extracted or will have one extracted in the near future, it's important that you know how to properly care for the wound in the hours and days after the procedure. Otherwise, you could end up facing a nasty bacterial infection, excessive bleeding, or other issues. By being aware of both what to do and what not to do, however, you should be in great shape and mostly recovered within the first week. [Read More]

Two Challenges Associated With Dental Implants For Seniors

It's a given that you can get, and benefit from, dental implants at any age. However, it is also true that old people face unique health challenges that younger people may not have. Here are two of these challenges, and how they may impact the success of your oral health: Low Bone Density The quality (height, width and density) of the bone is one of the essential factors that determine whether an implant succeeds or fails. [Read More]