2 Prosthodontics Treatment Options For A Cracked Second Bicuspid

The second bicuspid tooth is located to the rear of the pointed canine tooth. A second bicuspid helps the first bicuspid in beginning the food grinding process that's finished by the rear molars for safe swallowing. If your second bicuspid becomes cracked, you can experience pain while chewing or simply holding your mouth shut. Wide smiles can also show off the cracked tooth, which can impact your self-esteem. There are a couple of different potential treatments for a cracked second bicuspid. [Read More]

2 Things You Can Do To Set Your Dental Office Up For Special Needs Kids

Kids with special needs often have problems when they go to places like dentist offices. That's because the appointments can be loud and bright, which can overly stimulate kids with problems like autism. Autistic children may already feel like they are unable to filter things out and may already need to hold to a regular schedule so that they know what to expect. A dentist office, especially a new one, can throw off that schedule and make them feel like they are unable to handle the next thing. [Read More]

4 Tips For Getting Relief When Your Braces Hurt

Even though you might like the idea that your teeth are being straightened, you might find yourself dealing with a bit of discomfort from your braces every now and then, such as right after you have them tightened. If you are currently suffering from braces-related pain, consider these tips for getting some relief. 1. Let Your Orthodontist Know If you have just had your braces tightened, it is not uncommon to suffer from a bit of discomfort. [Read More]

Child's First Football Season? 2 Steps To Prepare For Dental Emergencies

If your little one is playing on a real school football team for the first time, then you are likely looking forward to them having a lot of fun and getting healthy exercise during practices and games. However, you likely also know that injuries can occur when a person of any age is playing football, and it is important to be prepared for them. Along with staying prepared for possible medical emergencies, you also need to be prepared for dental emergencies. [Read More]