Benefits Of Using A Dental Implant As A Replacement Tooth

When you lose a tooth, you have to deal with more than just a hole in your smile. For starters, depending on which and how many teeth you lose, you may have a hard time eating certain foods. If you replace your teeth with a bridge, you will have to avoid sticky or hard foods that could damage the crown. You also have to consider the way that pressure on your tooth will travel down the root, stimulate your jawbone, and thus keep it healthy. [Read More]

Choose These Three Drinks To Help The Health Of Your Smile

Just as it's important to carefully select foods in your diet based on how the affect your oral health, you should also take the same approach with drinks. Beverages such as red wine and coffee can contribute to stained teeth, while sugary drinks such as soda can heighten your risk of cavities and tooth decay. A number of other commonly found drink choices, however, have elements that can help you improve your oral health, which is definitely something to smile about. [Read More]

3 Mistakes Parents Make With Their Children's Oral Health

Adults and children alike should go to the dentist every six months to have a checkup and get their teeth cleaned. Unfortunately, many put off going to the dentist out of fear or simply because they don't think they need to. However, there are things you might not realize that you are doing that could end up damaging your teeth between those visits. This is why it is important to get a checkup and make sure your teeth are still healthy and your gums aren't receding. [Read More]

Oral Allies: How Dentists Spot Mouth Cancer And Help Patients Who Have It

One of the benefits of visiting the dentist is receiving a thorough examination of your mouth. A trained dental professional will be able to tell quite a few things from the state of your oral health, including whether your diet is sufficient and if you have any infections in your mouth. Screening for cancer of the mouth is also a part of your dental examination. Here are 3 ways your family dentist can help spot, treat, and repair damage from cancer: [Read More]