Could Vitamin C Really Prevent Gum Disease?

Did you know that bleeding gums isn't always a sign of poor oral hygiene? It could be that your diet needs some work. By increasing your vitamin C, you could protect your oral health and even fight against gum disease. Here is everything you need to know about the link between vitamin C and gum disease. Reduce Inflammation and Recession Vitamin C can help to reduce any inflammation in your gums, which is one of the reasons gum disease occurs. [Read More]

What to Expect with a Dental Implant

If you want to get a dental implant to replace a tooth that you are missing, it is important that you know what to expect. Many people make the mistake of thinking that having a dental implant put into their mouth will occur over the course of one appointment, but that is not the case at all. Use the guide below to learn what to really expect when you go to a dentist to have a dental implant installed in your mouth. [Read More]

4 Foods That Stain Your Teeth

The key to having a whiter smile is to stay away from foods that that stain your teeth. Eating these consistently over time is sure to cause a considerable amount of discoloration. It's ideal to limit the quantity of foods you consume that are best known for causing you teeth to turn yellow. By knowing what some of these items are, you may be better prepared for avoiding these. Popsicles [Read More]

What You Need To Know About Your Child's Wisdom Teeth

The last set of teeth to come in on most children are their wisdom teeth, also known as their third molars. There wisdom teeth come in behind the rest of the molars that are already in their mouth. Here are the basics of what you need to know about your child's wisdom teeth coming in. When They Arrive The age that one's wisdom teeth come in can vary greatly. For some individuals, their wisdom teeth appear when they are in their late teens. [Read More]